Wascott Volunteer Fire Department covers 142
square miles in our township.
Department is outfitted with two engines, 2 tenders, 2 brush trucks, 2
rescue watercraft, a rescue snowmobile, and a rescue ATV with trailer.
Regular meetings begin at 6pm, training
meetings on the first Wednesday of the month, business meetings on the
third Wednesday. Saturday meetings for training or work project
are occasionally scheduled.
If you are interested in joining us in serving your community, please
feel free to contact any of our members or the Town Clerk, or just
show up at one of our meetings. Everyone is welcome to
participate in whatever he or she can.
you for supporting your local fire departments.
Paul Philipp, Wascott Fire Chief Email:
Dept Email:
Cell: 507-438-1089
Town Board Liaison,
Jeff Christensen